Monday, January 15, 2007

Something Loved

The 2 peas challenge for today : What object in your home that you posses, that you absolutely love? Blog about it.. about something you have that has special meaning to you. I know this may sound a little weird, but I have a rolling pin. Yes, you heard me right, I just love my rolling pin. This rolling pin was my great-grandmothers and was passed down to my grandmother and my mother. It has soooo many treasured memories for me. I remember when I was very young using this rolling pin with my grandmother to make fresh raviolli's, ribbons, and cookies, all sorts of stuff. I love using it. I'm very protective of it. It does not leave this house. One day my dd wanted to take it to her boyfriends so they could make cookies, I was like that rolling pin will not take one step out of this house. She was a little mad, but got over it. That is just one of the items that I absolutely love. The other is a little antique leather top table that is in my kitchen. I just love that table.


EquineSpirit said...

I have a rolling pin too that's been passed down from my grandmother to my mother and now to me. It's full of nicks and dents from the years of use but it still works great and none I have purchased myself match the durability of this one.

Maureen said...

those are the best things when you know they have been passed down and around for a long time,

Melissa said...

that is so cool that you have that rooling pin passed down from your grandma. I can see why you wouldn't want it to be out of the house-I am protective with a couple of my 'treasures' like that too.

Noelia said...

It's great that you take great care and that you are very protective of that rolling pin. After all, it seems like a very special rolling pin. I wouldn't want it to leave the house either. Thanks for sharing your fond memories of it.

Noelia said...

Hi Lynn!
I'm dropping by to say Hi!
How are you doing? I miss your posts :)
Hope you are well.
