Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Yes... Shannon is at the airport as I type this. She is awaiting her flight to Las Vegas to start on her new life. I think this is going to be great for her. She was very emotional last night and this morning. I have a to get a box or two so I can send everything that she left behind that she could not fit in her luggage.

Steven (the boyfriend/ex-bf) was driving her to the airport this morning. She was not thrilled with him this morning to say the least. He didn't want to get up. Almost like he wanted her to miss the flight, which was pissing the hell out of her. We are pretty lucky that the airport she was going out of is only about 15 mins away from the house. He acted like he has never been there and wanted her to write down directions. Hello.... you are only driving on 2 roads the entire time! You can't get lost.

Well, lets see.... nothing else is really going on here. Pretty much the same ole' crap just a different day to be honest. Yesterday it looked like it was going to snow, but never did and today it is looking pretty much the same way. This is not going to be good for me I can tell. The Remicaid has not kicked in.

2peas challenge for today: I spend a lot of time online because... I usually am trying to avoid doing something that needs to be done. Like clean the bathroom or cook dinner! Or I'm just not motivated to do anything else and don't want to sit and watch tv or read a book. I've become very boring in my old age I think. I just can't be bothered somedays to do anything even get on here.

Alrighty then.....on that note, I'm getting off here. Hope everyone has a great day!


toners said...

Good luck to Shannon with her new life :) And I hope you're feeling tons better very soon! (((hugs)))

Theresa said...

Hey, I'm right there being boring with you but let's not say it's because we're old, LOL.

Linda said...

How exciting for Shannon, I hope all goes well for her. Feel better soon.

Sherry said...

Great for Shannon... :) it's always exciting to start something new. :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog... OMG you know Dusty Rhodes!!! I was in love with him and his son! My favorite back then was the "Rock N' Roll Express" They were the bomb!!!

Colleen said...

I'm with ya on the avoidance thing and being online!!

Hope Shannon does well with her adventure!

Sherri said...

avoiding things myself this morning LOL on the plus side I'm going to meet up with your sis in a few hours!

Good luck to Shannon...I remember when I moved across the country from my family to start a new life. So exciting and scary and exciting...

Aimeslee Winans said...

<3 <3 xoxo

Noelia said...

Ok...did I miss something? Shannon going away? To Vegas? Why? LOL!
I've been MIA too so I'm a little shocked to learn this.
Hope you're feeling better gf.