Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hmmmm, Who do I look like?

Ok... here is todays version of my celebrity matches! I still can't believe that popped up with Al Pacino as a match for me.. I'm not sure I like that, lol I really don't think I look anything like Al Pacino. Bette Midler ok.. maybe... but Pacino.
BTW... Did I mention that it is another crappy day! The last 3-4 days have been on the warm side but rainy and windy. My body is starting to go into flair up mode. That means that all my arthritis' and muscle diseases' are going crazy and giving me pain.
Ok enough about me today, lol... The 2peas challenge: Do you send out Christmas cards or letters? what are you doing this year?? Blog about it.. handmade or store bought? ..... I still send out cards. I love getting them ready. It does take me time to sign them especially when I'm not feeling well. I will doing store bought this year, mainly because my hands just can't make them any more. Hope everyone has an awesome day!


Brown English Muffin said...

Found you on Dana's blog....and if that's a pic of you in the middle you look nothing like Pacino...please!!!

Ok so now i have to try this...if they have me looking like Denzel or something I'm suing!!! :))

Stephanie said...

That celebrity match thing is toooo funny. Have a good day~

Melissa said...

silly match thing-believe me you DONT looke like Pacino. but Nadia and Bette are pretty good matches ;)

If you can believe it, its going to be in the 80's all week here in AZ. hope the weather gets better for you

Aimeslee Winans said...

That Match thing is too much...it has me looking like Shirley Temple and Tina Turner! I ask you, how could anyone look like BOTH of them? ROFL

Lynn, when I looked at your photo, my first thought was Farrah Fawcet, in the eyes and mouth. And I am older, I remember Jeanne Moreau, yeah, you do kind of remind me of her, she was a French beauty in her day!