Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Shadow boxes

Here it is Tuesday and I can't believe that I am able to get on here this early today. Yesterday was ohhhh fun filled. My friend Lynn came over with her 4 year old (who btw, is a typical 4 yr old. can't sit still for even a min.) anyway, my friend call yesterday and asked me if I would help her put together a shadowbox. This would include items from the 4yr olds dance recital. I say ok, come on over. Now I need to tell you she came over with a ton of stuff. I go through it and we decide what will fit and what won't. I (yes me alone) puts the entire box together. Also, I am constantly intereputed by the 4 yr old who wants somethng to eat,drink,play with..you get the pic. It ended up taking me 2 hrs! because I had to keep stopping just when I was on a roll. It did however come out very cute.
Now I should also tell you that this is my first time doing a shadow box! I think it came out pretty good. Sorry the pictures are not any better.
So after all that I now had to go to my great-nephews b'day party ..... can we all say more 4 yr olds! Plus my 10 month great -neice was attached to me yesterday which is always fun. My neice rented one of those bouncy houses for the kids...after a while I kicked the big boys out and put the 10 month old in... well she didn't want to get out! She was having a BLAST!
2peas challenge: Talk about your fav TV show. ===Mine is HOUSE! My sister got me addicted to it in April and now I have to watch! I'm so mad because I missed last week. But I will be watching tonight at 8pm!
Hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday!


scrapperjen said...

I love your shadowboxes - very cool!

CircesMagic said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Especially for your first time!

Nancy said...

Love the shadow box; you did a great job on it. I'm sure the little girl will love it. Kids that age can really wear you out though, can't they? Boudless energy! Have a great day Lynn.

Melissa said...

awesome shadow box! I give you credit for keeping your patients, making the box as well as attending to a 4 yr old ;)

Sofia said...

Wow! Your did a great job. It looks so cool. :-)