Friday, August 18, 2006

Its getting nearer

Good morning to all! Well, I am starting to get excited about going away on Sunday morning. Like I've said previously, this is the first time I'm going all by myself! What???? 9 days without the husband and kids! OH MY! :-0.... I know this is going to be pretty relaxing. Although, my father did just retire and does not know what to do with himself. So, I'm sure I will be with him often. Since he retired, he has called me at least 3 times a day and thats being kind. The other day he called my 7 times in 1 hour! Hello... I am 3,000 miles away. What can I possibly do to help you? Anyway, I am still looking forward to getting out of here.
Yesterday, I pretty much did nothing with the exception of a little cleaning. Right now I have no inspiration to scrapbook. Hopefully that will end soon because my sister wants to go to 2 crops! I am looking forward to going, just hope I am able to get something done.
Today, it is very overcast so I won't be soaking up any rays. I might go over to my friend's house. She asked me to stop by before going away. By the way, she is also supposed to be my walking partner who gave up ohhh about 1 month ago. I just have a few more things to put in the suit case. That means they were in the laundry and I didn't do any yesterday! So that really needs to be done today. And then I might go over to another friend to drop of the album that I did for her son. I won't be able to attend the party on Sunday and I'm not sure if anyone from my family is going to go. (DJ is mad a him) I don't get involved with those things. They seem to work themselves out. Speaking of the album, here are the last of the lo's that I did for that.

2 peas challenge for today:List of questions about your 2006 summer:
1. What was your favorite summer event? That would have to be the Wrestling Awards Picnic at the Beach!
2.Favorite picture of the summer? I have so many.. I will have to look through them and see. Maybe I will post it later.
3.Favorite movie of the summer? This is a little tough. I liked Pirates, Click, And You,Me and Dupree.
4.Best song of the summer? Still blank... thinking......
5.Did you go on vacation? Where? Well, I did not go yet. I'm going on Sunday and I'm going to Las Vegas!


Sofia said...

I hope that you have a wonderful trip! :-)

Melissa said...

have a great time in Vegas, 9 days to relax=bliss ;)

thanks for doing the challenge, I loved click and pirates too